Pepe Nada Shakira - Acróstico Para todos vosotros MARIA Shakira - Acróstico Quiero dedicarle la canción de acrostico de Shakira por que es todo lo que quiero con el. es una persona especial en mi vida Su alegría Puedes Besarme Quiero pedir la cancion de Camela que tanto le gusta a la chica mas especial del mundo qque cada mañana mne alegra escucharla desde que me manda el primer mensaje del dia!!!!!

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New Demo From My Morning Jacket

today12 febrero, 2018 25 2

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This week’s essential mix from All Songs Considered includes a surprising, electronic, mostly instrumental cut from The 1975 — a British group known more for its brash Top-40 pop and rock — an intimate home demo recording from My Morning Jacket and a spare, moody cover of Led Zeppelin’s «Immigrant Song» by the Irish folk singer known as SOAK.

Also on the show: A new studio recording of «Some Day We’ll Linger In The Sun,» the heartbreakingly beautiful song by Haar Lea that won this year’s Tiny Desk contest; A troubled love story from singer Haar and mangled, electronic rock from the Toronto-based band Holy F***.

But before we can even think of playing any music, Robin needs to pound his seventh cup of coffee of the day and welcome Bob back from his week on the road.

Escrito por Alejandro Pelayo
